Ha ni resepi tuk pn Aesha dan sekelian alam yang dah banyak kali minta resepi kek ni....so aesha,as i promise..tapi lambek plak nak tunai promise....
bahan A
500g cream cheese ( keluarkan lbh kurang 1 hour sblm guna)
200g gula castor
bahan B
40 g tepung gandum
bahan C
2 biji kuning telur
1 biji telur
bahan D
100g whipping cream
100g cream anchor
bahan E
2 biji putih telur ( whip until soft peak)
biscuit base
200g marie biscuit/oreo
100g melted butter
1. press the biscuit base onto the bottom of springfoam pan
2. Cream (A)until light and add in (B).mix untill well blended.
3. Add in (c) cream until smooth. Add in (D) cream until well combined.
4. Whip E untill soft peak and add it into the above mixture untill well incorporated.
5. Pour the cheese mixture over the prepared biscuit base
6. bake at 180c for 10 min, then continue 140c for 1hour15min (or until light brown)
gambar2 brg yang digunakan
anchor cream UHT WHIPPING
cream cheese
cake ni mesti dibakar guna kaedah waterbath...
springform mesti dibalut ngan aluminium foil supaya tak dimasuki air masa wat waterbath...
water bath mean... masukkan loyang springfoam dalam loyang lain yang berisi air..
sila buat ye aesha....
Jaundice dan anak2 ku, berpisah tiada..
9 years ago
4 comments on "new york cheese cake"
wauuuu!! time kacih!!! nnt kite try. tggu x pose dlu. mwahhahahaahha!
ceh lambek eh nak buek..buek jangan x buek
ciline, gayo sok buek,kito dtg umah ko nk ghaso.hehe...jap..ghayo mano taun ni yang?
taun ni gayo perak..tapi gayo koduo da balik pilah dah,,,sampai habis cuti..yeehaaaa
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